Admired for his versatility, range and dramatic power, British tenor John Daszak made his operatic debut at English National Opera as Števa (Jenůfa). Now enjoying a vibrant international opera career, recent seasons have brought several important role debuts: Herod (Salome) at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden under Henrik Nanasi, Grishka Kuter’na (The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh) at De Nederlandse Opera under Marc Albrecht, Zemlinsky’s Der Zwerg at the Bayerische Staatsoper under Kent Nagano and Tambour-Major (Wozzeck) marking his debut at the Berliner Staatsoper under Daniel Barenboim. Performances during the 2020/21 season included the role of Shuysky in a new staging of Boris Godunov by Barrie Kosky at Opernhaus Zürich under the baton of Kirill Karabits, as well as appearances as Iro in Robert Carsen’s new staging of Il ritorno d’Ulisse at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino under the baton of Ottavio Dantone. In concert there was a performance of Il prigioniero with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic under Franck Ollu as part of the Zaterdag Matinee series broadcast from the Concertgebouw. Other highlights of John Daszak’s recent seasons include Kaufman (Jakob Lenz) at Festival d’art lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence under Ingo Metzmacher, Alviano Salvago in Barrie Kosky’s staging of Die Gezeichneten at Opernhaus Zürich under Vladimir Jurowski and Romeo Castelluci’s Salome at the Salzburg Festival under Franz Welser-Möst. He sang Sergei (Katarina Ismailova) at Moscow’s historic Bolshoi Theatre under Tugan Sokhiev, Hindemith’s Mathis der Maler at Semperoper Dresden under Simone Young, Aegisth (Elektra) at the Royal Opera House under Andris Nelsons, and Jimmy (Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny) with Komische Oper Berlin under Stefan Blunier.